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MUĞLA / FETHİYE - Esenköy Şehit Cengiz Topçu Ortaokulu

eSafety Label - Action Plan

eSafety Label - Action Plan Action plan submitted by hülya ünal for Esenköy Şehit Cengiz Topçu Ortaokulu - 22.01.2021 @ 20:06:14 Infrastructure Technical security It is verygood that all your school devices are virus protected. Make sure you also have included a paragraph on virus protection in both your school policy and your Acceptable Use Policy, and ensure that staff and pupils rigorously apply school guidelines. If you need further information, check out the fact sheet on Protecting your devices againstmalware at www.esafetylabel.eu/group/community/protecting-your-devices-against-malware. Pupil and staff access to technology It is good that in your school computer labs can easily be booked. Consider the option of integrating other digital devices into the lessons as using them provides best practise for pupils in dealing with new media. Ensure that safety issues are alsodiscussed. You should organise a meeting with other teachers so you can discuss how the school could use social media and digital devices as an aid to learning in the classroom. Look at the outcomes and report from the SMILE project (SocialMedia inLearningand Education, http://www.eun.org/teaching/smile) to learn more aboutusing social media in the classroom. Data protection It is good that your school records are stored in a safe environment, it is also necessary that they are archived and disposed with in line with the Data Protection Act. Ensure that a good records management system is put in place. Check the according fact sheet for more information. Having your learning and administration environments together can create a security risk. Ensuring security of staff’s and pupils’ private data is a fundamental role ofthe school. We recommend that your appointed eSafety manager/ICT coordinator, together with the staff and a technical expert, define and implement a strategy for separating learning and administration environments or ensuring the equivalent highest level of security between them. Read the fact sheet on Protecting sensitive data in schools at www.esafetylabel.eu/group/community/protecting-sensitive-data-in-schools. Software licensing By submitting your completed Assessment Form to the eSafety Label portal you have taken an important step towards analysing the status of eSafety in your school. Congratulations! Please read through your Action Plan carefully to see what you can do to improve eSafety further in your school. The Action Plan offers useful advice and comments, broken down into 3 key areas: infrastructure, policy and practice. Your school has set a realistic budget for software needs. This is good. Ensure that it remains this way. You might also want to look into alternatives, e.g. Cloud services or open software. Ensure that all staff are aware of the procedure for purchasing new software and that all licenses are appropriate for the number of pupils and staffthat will be using them. The End-user license agreement section in Wikipedia willprovide useful information for understanding terms and conditions and comparing software agreements. You need to make sure that allthe software in your school is legally licensed and that copies ofthe licences are held centrally. You also need to check with whoever supports your IT systems that the software will not compromise system security. Your school should develop a clear policy for software acquisition and it is good practice to centralise this process whereverpossible. IT Management It is good practise that your are training and/or providing guidance in the use of new software that is installed on school computers. This ensures that school members willtake advantage of new features, but also that they are aware of security and data protection issues where relevant. It is good practice to ensure that the person in charge ofthe ICT network is fully informed of what software is on school-owned hardware and this should be clearly indicated in the School Policy and the Acceptable Use Policy. The person responsible for the network needs to be able to guarantee conformity with licensing requirements and that new software won’t interfere with network operation. Policy Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) It is good that school policies are reviewed annually in your school. Ensure that they are also updated when changes are put into place that could affect them. All staff should be aware of the contents ofthe policy. Regularly review the Mobile Phone Policy to ensure that it is fit for purpose and that it is being applied consistently across the school. The fact sheets on Using mobile phones at school (www.esafetylabel.eu/group/community/using-mobile-device-in-schools) and School Policy (www.esafetylabel.eu/group/community/school-policy) will provide helpful information. In your school policy issues are regularly discussed. This is good practice as it ensures staff and pupils are aware ofthem. Do pupils and staff also have to sign related documents to confirm their awareness? It is excellent that eSafety is an integral part of several school policies. Do all staff make reference to it when appropriate through their teaching? Look for examples of good practice and share these with staff and pupils. Produce a short case study to highlight this good practice and upload it to your profile on the eSafety Label portal via your My school area as inspiration for other schools. It is good that you have an Acceptable Use Policy for all members ofthe school community. Regularly review the AUP to ensure that it is still fit for purpose; to ensure that your AUP is sufficiently comprehensive, take a look at the fact sheet and check list on Acceptable Use Policy at www.esafetylabel.eu/group/community/acceptable- use-policy-aup-. Reporting and Incident-Handling Keep a central log of any cyberbullying incidents which will help to inform staff about the extent of any potential issues and the type of pupil, age etc. that are affected. Also, be sure that you fill in the eSafety Label Incident handling form. Your input will contribute to building a data base of successful incident-handling practices from schools across Europe that you can use in the future. Check that your School Policy includes all necessary information for teachers about handling issues when pupils knowingly or even inadvertently access illegal or offensive material online by going to the guidance set out by the teachtoday.de/en website (tinyurl.com/9j86v84). If such incidents arise in your school, make sure you anonymously fill out the eSafety Label Incident handling form (www.esafetylabel.eu/group/teacher/incidenthandling) so that other schools can benefit from your experience. Staff policy Pupil practice/behaviour When discussing eSafety pupils at your school can sometimes provide feedback on the activities . Involve them as much as possible so that the teacher recognises real life issues while the pupils are more engaged. School presence online You have a dedicated person to monitor your school’s online reputation, and this is good practice. Always be aware of any new sites that may not be immediately apparent through a regular search. Keep up to date with the latest sites and monitor these periodically, as they can be particularly damaging for schools and their pupils and staff ifthey present a negative viewpoint. While your school has an online presence, pupils cannot take part in shaping it. Explore ifthere could be a way to involve pupils, maybe as part of a digital council. It's a great opportunity to learn about media literacy and related issues. It also can help to establish a peer network of support. Find out more about in the eSafety Label fact sheet. Practice Management of eSafety In your school, teachers are responsible for their own pupils’ online activity. There are manynetwork security and user privacy, audit and procedural tool checks and balances that need to take place to ensure the safety of your pupils and the school networks, and these should be laid down in your School Policy. See our fact sheet on School Policy at www.esafetylabel.eu/group/community/school-policy. To ensure this happens as efficiently and often as necessary, we advise that the Principal of your school appoints one individual staff member to look after eSafety management in the school. This person will be responsible for seeing that all aspects included in your School Policy are discussed and looked at with other teachers as well as with pupils in theclassroom. To ensure that every staff member, pupil and parent is aware of her or his online rights and responsibilities, see the fact sheet on Acceptable Use Policy (www.esafetylabel.eu/group/community/acceptable-use-policy-aup-). eSafety in the curriculum It is good that you are making a specific reference to sexting within your child protection policy as this is a growing issue that many young people are having to deal with. It is also important to ensure that you are providing appropriate education for pupils about this issue. It is commendable that you are able to provide an eSafety curriculum that keeps up with emerging issues. Continue to make use of new resources as they are made available. Can you upload to your school profile an outline of how you design the curriculum and links to some of the resources you use – this would be most helpful for other schools. It is very good that, in your school, pupils are taught from an early age on about responsibilities and consequences when using social media. Please share any resources through the uploading evidence tool, accessible also via the My school area. Extra curricular activities How do you organise peer mentoring among pupils on eSafety? Check out the resources ofthe ENABLE project and share your ideas in the forum ofthe eSafety Label community so that other schools can benefit from your experience to establish a similar approach. Itis good to know that you are frequentlyusing the online eSafety resources from your national Safer Internet Centre. Have you found these resources helpful in your school? Please send your feedback on their use and value to info-insafe@eun.org. Sources of support Young people are more open to advice from their peers. Consider offering optional courses and/or school rewards on eSafety topics or similar that stimulate expert knowledge in pupils that then could become a point of reference for theirpeers. All staff should have some responsibility for eSafety. School counsellors, nurses, etc. are all well placed to provide advice and guidance on these issues and should be invited to contribute to developing and regularly reviewing your School Policy. Make the maximum use of their knowledge and skills and consider whether it is appropriate to provide training for them. Staff training It should be a real benefit to your pupils that all staff receive regular training on eSafety issues. Continue to gather feedback from staff on the medium- and long-term benefits ofthe training and consult the eSafety Label portaltosee suggestions fortrainingcoursesatwww.esafetylabel.eu/group/community/suggestions-for-onlinetraining-courses. It is good practise that you provide information to teachers on the technology used by pupils in their freetime. This is important as this awareness is the first step in addressing the issue of powering down for school. At the same time pupils should not be asked to do their homework using technology not available to them outside of schools. You might want to have a look at the Essie Survey of ICT in schools. The Assessment Form you submitted is generated from a large pool of questions. It is also useful for us to know if you are improving eSafety in areas not mentioned in the questionnaire. You can upload evidence of such changes via the Upload evidence on the My school area section of the eSafety Portal. Remember, the completion of the Assessment Form is just one part of the Accreditation Process, because the upload of evidence, your exchanges with others via the Forum, and your reporting of incidents on the template provided are all also taken into account.

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